Saturday, January 2, 2010

Welcome to the New Year-How to keep your resolutions

New Year, new decade, new you. Most people approach a new year as a chance to make changes in themselves and their lives, which is a great way to make change. However, the notion of making resolutions often leaves a loophole and a way to leaving those aspirations behind. I believe that resetting goals is the real way to see change, but for those that have decided on their New Year's resolutions, here is an article to help stick to those new year/new decade resolutions.

Zen Habits:sticking to your resolutions. These are all really great steps to turn a resolution into an achievable goal.

Welcome to the new year!


  1. I'm all about setting goals. It takes many steps to make a goal a reality, but it can be done. I feel better not accomplishing a goal than not keeping a resolution because I know I took every step to make it happen. The falling short doesn't bother me.

  2. Exactly. I prefer to set goals and do my best to reach them and gain something in the process. Setting resolutions just seems like a free pass to acting like you're going to do something when you really won't. I like having a "new year" to represent a chance to change, but other than that, every day should be a work in progress.
